Caregivers Can Easily Navigate Big Life Changes With These Tips

By: Daniel Sherwin Change can be one of the most challenging things for caregivers to handle, especially when life throws a curveball. Moving, starting a business, and changing careers are all major life transitions that require careful planning. Having a child during these difficult times adds another layer of stress. But with the right mindset…

Healthy Choices for Your Kids Start With You

By: Leslie Campos Devoted to supporting the parents and primary caretakers of individuals with disabilities,POCWASN aspires to change the quality of life for all our clients by providing excellent self-careservices. Connect with us today to learn more! (818) 322-3407 We all know how hard it is to get kids to make healthy choices. Kids are…

Self-Care For Caregivers During the Holidays

Because of the care, effort, and attention that you have provided to other people, it isnatural for your wants and needs to take a backseat at times. This Holiday season, wewant to make sure that you have access to the information and skills you need topractice self-care so that you do not find yourself exhausted…

Fun and Therapeutic Activities for Alzheimer’s Patients

By Jennifer McDougall Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects millions of people and their families. The cause of Alzheimer’s is still unknown, but researchers are working hard to find ways to treat and even cure the condition. It can be difficult for anyone to watch someone they love suffer from Alzheimer’s, especially when there might…

How to Comfort Someone Who is Grieving

By Jennifer McDougall Grief is an incredibly personal experience. We all grieve differently, and no one else can tell us how to feel or what to do. But some things have helped me through the most challenging moments of my own grief journey, so I thought I’d share them here. Know that all grief is…

Self-Care for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Caregivers

By Jennifer McDougall You’re not alone. As a caregiver, you have a lot to juggle: managing your loved one’s care, finances, estate planning, dealing with doctors and other medical professionals, making sure you have time for yourself and the list goes on. If all of this sounds overwhelming, don’t worry! You’re not alone in feeling…

Fun Activities For Children on the Autism Spectrum

By Jennifer McDougall When you’re a parent of a child with autism, you may feel like there’s nothing to do. Your child may be anxious and overwhelmed by the world around them, so they can’t enjoy activities other kids love. But you can do many fun things together as a family that are specifically designed…

The Importance of Yoga and Meditation for Caregivers and Seniors

By Virginia Cooper Yoga is one of the few exercise routines focusing on developing unity and harmony between the mind and body. It is a way to balance the mind, body, and spirit. Meditation is a way to connect with your inner self, letting go of all the thoughts that weigh you down. It helps…

Self-Care for Family Caregivers

By Jennifer McDougall When caring for someone else, you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. So it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities of your loved one that you forget about yourself. However, if you don’t take care of yourself, then how can you be expected to…

Self-Care for Kids: Simple Ideas for Big Results

By Janice Russell Adults are no strangers to daily stress and anxiety. And we understand how essential self-care is for maintaining our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. But the truth is children are also under a lot of stress these days, and many don’t have the know-how to navigate the various pressures of daily life….